terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Writing in English

Caros amigos, não tenho certeza se todos vocês sabem, mas desde que me mudei para Blumenau, faço inglês no Furb Idiomas.

Lá, às vezes, fazemos produções de texto para colocar em prática os conteúdos estudados. Ontem, eu estava olhando meus antigos cadernos de inglês quando achei vários desses textos. Fiz uma seleção, melhorei um pouco alguns e também escolhi dois mais novos para postar!

Achei interessante colocar numa ordem de data. Começando pelo mais velho até o mais novo. Assim, será possível fazer uma comparação após a leitura. Atenção: em alguns textos, eu escrevi sobre a minha rotina, porém, com o passar dos anos ela mudou e hoje é diferente. Espero que gostem:


I’m Ariadne Hellena. I’m ten years old and I’m Brazilian. I study at Machado de Assis school in Blumenau. My favorite school subject is P.E. After school I like to write on my blog and read the books.


Hi! I’m Ariadne. I get up at 6 o’clock. I have breakfast, I brush my teeth and I go to school.

In the afternoon I study English on weekdays and I do my homework.

In the evening, I have dinner at 7 o’clock. I watch TV and then I go to bed at 9 o’clock.

Sem data

My diet- Friday

I eat ceral and drink yogurt cup for breakfast.

For lunch, I eat beans and rice, steak and chiken, I drink water.

And for dinner , I eat fries and chicken, and I drink soda.

This is my diet on Friday, day 31.08.2012.


I wake up at 6 o’clock, but I get up at ten past 6. Later I have breakfast and brush my teeths. I go to school at quarter to seven(in the morning).

My school finishes at midday. So, I have lunch at that time! Sometimes, after lunch, I sleep or do my homework in the afternoon.

In the evening, I watch TV, have dinner, with my family and have a shower. I go to bed at nine o’clock, but I sleep twenty minutes later.


My name’s Ariadne. I’m from Brazil. I live with my mum, my dad and my brother. We live in a big house. We have got a big Garden to play with my two dogs, Tiana and Mel. I haven’t got a favorite room because I like the kitchen, the living room and the study room. More the study room because, there are a lot of books in this room. In my house, We haven’t got TVs in the bedrooms. The TVs are in the living room, in the kitchen and in the student room, My Family loves reading so, we have got a lot of books.

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